Simply install Google IME and type anywhere in your language. Google Transliteration IME (web + install) Install = app or service to be installed on computer to use at offlineġ. Web = app or service on webpage or internet needed Here, for the shake of clarity and ease of understanding we are referring it as Nepali Unicode. # Nepali Unicode is just a misnomer as Unicode should represent all languages. Unicode is supported in today’s scripting standards of XML, WML, JavaScript, as well. To publish your work in Nepali Unicode, you need to know about Unicode – which is independent of machine type (platform independent, program independent and language independent), and generally we refer to that here as UTF-8 unicode format – the popular and widely used among multitude of character encoding system adopted by many industry leaders including Microsoft, Apple, Sun, IBM, HP etc. Here we discuss some of the important aspects of using Nepali language on your blog, status on your Social Networking sites, email and everyday computing use. Since Nepali Unicode is not natively supported by many applications, websites we should either learn to type in Unicode Nepali or use third party Roman to Unicode converter. Everyday Facebooking and Twiterring might have been deserving the Nepali look on your post or status. Like many people in the world we would like to use our language Nepali in web also.